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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August Coupon Seminar!!!!

I have decided to have a seminar, per request from a few people, in Hurricane!  Here are the details.

Date: Aug. 13, 2011
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Centerpointe Church
Directions: In Hurricane.  Take the Hurricane Exit off of 64, turn towards Sheetz, Turn Left at the light onto
                                 34, TL just after Rite Aid at Centerpointe Church (Old Napa Building)
Cost: $20 per attendee.

I know it is a close date, but I am trying to get one in before school starts and all of our schedules get chaotic.

Binders will not be at the seminar, but I will be taking orders for them.  They are an additional $20 and will come fully organized with Dividers and Sleeves.  They are also prestocked with coupons to help you get started.  I apologize for not having the binders at the seminar, but I will be able to get the binders to you within 2 weeks of the seminar.

I will have a few door prizes and I will provide refreshments and snacks.  If you email me at to let me know you are attending, you will receive an extra ticket in the drawing and be guaranteed an info booklet.  I appreciate the emails, they help me to be fully prepared and have enough booklets for everyone who is attending.


  1. Don't get off work until 5 pm, but would have liked to attended the seminar.

  2. I will be having another seminar in October. Hopefully you can attend that one.
